Success Stories

1) April McNeil-Goff:
(Founder of Designer Cakes)

Working with “The Genie” and Inner Access has been a life changing experience for me. The Genie’s knowledge of business, prosperity principles, and people make him the best coach in the world. He is such a powerful source of inspiration and support that allows me to be who I am as I strive to reach my goals through a deeper spiritual understanding of what I am really capable of achieving. I have been able to conquer some of my biggest fears and overcome some of my biggest challenges through the work we have done. At times I was asked to go beyond what my ego was comfortable with but through trusting in the processes of the coaching I have been able to expand my ability to experience success and joy that I would have never otherwise known. In the midst of a “bad economy” combined with criticism and skepticism from family and friends I was able to take my small cake business from a one woman show renting space in someone else’s catering kitchen to opening a thriving retail location with a full staff. My revenues and profits have grown by over 500% over the course of one year, and this is only the beginning. I so look forward to the endless amounts of successes and joys that are still to come as I continue my coaching. Inner Access is completely committed to helping me achieve my dreams and goals as long as I am committed to doing the work.

2) Reggie Zephyrin: aka “JadeKing”
(Kung Fu Master, Entrepreneur, and Coach for Inner Access)

Hi, I am Reggie. I am known as “JadeKing”. I have been working with the Genie for 3 years now. Since working with the Genie, I have achieved extraordinary results. 1) I am currently a coach on the Inner Access team, 2) My business has tripled within the first 3 months and 3) My skills in Kung Fu have been fined tuned even more!!
Working with Genie has allowed me to achieve the goals I have set for myself. If you are looking to improve your skill, achieve and set your goals, I highly recommend working with the Genie and the Inner Access team. You will not regret it!!!!

3) Christina Marlett:
(Founder of The “Dance Always” Company)

“Working with the Genie has changed my life. I have increased my confidence, my sense of inner peace, my overall happiness, and I am getting so good at manifesting what ever I want. I have been to many personal development seminars but didn’t know how to synthesize the information. The Genie has helped me do that and I have so much more momentum in my life. I never knew my life could be this amazing, thanks to the Genie.”

4) Adam L:

My name is Adam. I work as a physician living in New York. I’ve worked with Inner Access for nearly 10 months now. I had never done any coaching before, and started off a little skeptical of the process. That said, I’ve definitely seen some amazing things happen over the past year. Professionally, my practice and reputation has grown tremendously, and we are currently seeing a doubling in revenue over the past year, with a 60% growth in my salary thus far, and we are now well into multi-million dollar status. I have cleared all personal debt ahead of schedule, and am well on my way to reaching my financial goals. Physically, I’ve gotten myself back into tremendous shape, and have lost 25 lbs. On the relationship end, I have opened myself much more to friends and family, and have seen those bonds grow in a very healthy, positive way. My sense of accomplishment is greater, and my goals seem both more ambitious and attainable. I think that the Genie is very successful in helping you to set weekly, monthly, and annual goals, and keeps you accountable to your campaign. He works with you to push forward in a balanced fashion. I actually feel that I’ve attained more by working less than in years past, but smarter in the ways I go about my day. The morning “Power Tools” are incredibly important to this process, and provide daily habits that keep you focused with intention. The next important thing is that he provides you a network of his resources and contacts that enable you to pursue those goals. I’ve found that my time with Inner Access to be a different kind of education, which has challenged and developed me in ways that are surprisingly different from my previous experiences. I would happily refer any of my friends to work with Inner Access, when they’re ready to make a commitment to themselves. This has been one of the best investments of my energies and resources. I only wish I had started coaching 10 years ago!

5) Jason Thiessen:

The coaching I’ve received from Inner Access has had an enormous impact on my life. The Genie’s approach is part structure and part facilitation,and it helped me accomplish several things in various areas of my life including going on a 5-month trip around the world, writing a business book with my father, and buying something I have wanted since I was 12-years old — my first Porsche. The Genie provided me with tools and frameworks for personal development, then supported me with encouragement and constant support. I can’t say enough about The Genie and his amazing approach!

6) Aditya Oza:
(Co creator of the App “Color Switch”)

“My name is Aditya Oza. I have been coaching with Inner Access now for 3 years. When I first started coaching, I was completely and totally broke. I basically put it on my credit card and hoped for the best. Within a first few months, I got a job and within a year, I got out of all my debt and became completely financially independent. From that point forward, I began to focus on creating a passive income stream business. My business partner and I built an app and now because of that, it has allowed me tremendous freedom. What i used to make in a month, I now make in a day which is really, really incredible. It is just really extraordinary and now I am just a few months away of devoting myself full time to my dream project goals: acting and film making. Without Inner access, I know I couldn’t have done it and I am really glad that I have taken that leap of faith. My life keeps getting better and better..”

7) Byron Van Pelt:
(Author of the book “Unshakeable Swagger”)

This is Coach Byron Van Pelt. I’ve been working with the Genie now for over 5 years. When I first started coaching, I was sleeping on a couch in a 1 bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, earning just barely enough to get by. I had huge aspirations and enormous dreams – I just didn’t know how to harness that energy and tap into my greatness. Since I began coaching with him, I have quintupled my income, married the woman of my dreams – he was even in my wedding, gained over 10 pounds of muscle, written and published my book on confidence called Unshakable Swagger and created financial independence doing what I love full time. And as of right now, I’m having my dream house specially built from scratch here in sunny Florida for my wife and I to start and raise our family in. I really couldn’t be happier with how quickly my life has expanded due to the coaching. A huge reason why I am the Lead Trainer for Inner Access is because of my desire to give back what I’ve learned to help others. One of my biggest passions is helping my clients achieve the same financial freedom I was able to achieve by making a commitment to going deeper with their financial blueprint and strategy. I’m so grateful to be able to say this is what I do for a living. Without the Genie, I have no idea where I would be in my life. This has been not only one of the best investments I’ve ever made, but it’s been one of the best experiences I’ve ever been through. Connecting with him allows me to raise my game in every single aspect of my life – and I feel nothing but tremendous gratitude reflecting on my journey so far. Thank you for all your help Genie, and I look forward to seeing what the next 5 years and beyond brings.

8) Sandra Millers Younger:
(Author of “The Fire Outside My Window.”)

“In two years of working with the Genie I tripled my income. I completed my project of creating and funding a school in Kenya. And Best of all I got an agent and a book deal. This wouldn’t have been possible without The Genie. Here’s to you Genie man, You are the best!!!”


9) Ed Blunt:
(Life Design Strategist)

“The Genie is one of those rare breeds of people that is in complete alignment with the principles and philosophy he espouses. He is the message that he brings! As a Life Design Specialist and Trainer, I am called to speak to groups around the world and in order to have impact in what I do, I need to stay plugged into power sources of life affirming encouragement and support. Genie provides that AND specific tools to continually get better. What’s even better is that his coaching team delivers the same brand of outstanding service, integrity and character as I have had the privilege of working with several of them across the US!”

10) Nicole Payseur:
(aka “Yoga Diva”)

I have been coaching with the Genie for years. Through the Inner Access methodology I have made strides towards my goals that I never could have imagined. I have left my job as an attorney and have realized my dream of teaching yoga full time. Since working with the Genie I have more than tripled my income in my yoga business, I have found love with the man of my dreams, and I have created a profitable DVD. The Genie has helped me to conquer my fears, move forward, and have balance. I sincerely feel this is the best investment of time, money and energy I could ever make! Thank you Genie and the Inner Access Team from the bottom of my heart. Because of this work I am living life fully and changing the world.

11) Olga Ribble: Entrepreneur
Hi. My name is Olga from north of New Jersey. Some of the things that I’ve been able to accomplish as a result of coaching with the Inner Access Team. First of all, I’ve been able to start my own business and triple my income. Next, I was able to take my three children to Europe to my home country for a two week amazing vacation. Also, if you notice, I’m in a brand new kitchen. I’ve been wanting to create a kitchen for the last fifteen years and now it was possible, as a result of coaching. I’m also twenty-five pounds lighter and in the best shape of my life. That as well as putting twenty four thousand dollars on my mortgage, buying a car for my son, as well as saving five hundred a month, and continuing to grow my business, are just a few of the other goals I’ve been able to accomplish with the great support of Genie and the Inner Access Team. I absolutely recommend the coaching team and Inner Access. Thank you.

12.) Lorenzo Lewis: (Entrepreneur And Speaker On Mental Health)
Inner Access has really changed my life.
When I first started, I was broken. Yet in my first three months with Inner Access coaching, I have tripled my income. I have made over fifty thousand dollars during that time and lost 12 pounds. I had always struggled with my weight being a big man and now I have consistent momentum to take care of my wellness. The coaches here are incredible. The core principles they are giving me has me feel like I can conquer anything in the world. I am so grateful to Inner Access. It has allowed me to become such a better person. I am on fire and so happy.

13) David Cheney (aka “The Champ”): Business Owner
Years of coaching with Inner Access have been great! I met and married the woman of my dreams, a wonderful Brazilian lady from Natal! I have also lost 30 lbs and kept it off for two years now as did my wife. We are both much more healthy and active than we have been before. Recently I had a challenge with my work where when I asked to become part of the sales team to have a better opportunity to make more money the CEO said that their sales team was struggling and he thought it would be better if I started applying to other companies that would have the financial opportunity I was seeking. Not only did he suggest it but gave me three month’s severance to do so. That was lovely. Anyway I talked to the Genie about it and he suggested I take a deep dive into my coaching for the next few months and turn around my situation. I took him up on the challenge and within 60 days I had been hired by a new software company called Impartner where the income, benefits, and everything about the company were much better than the job I had before! I also earned double pay my first month there since my old job kept their word and paid me the full three months of severance which was awesome! I liquidated my 401K from the old job and bought an online advertising business which I could do on the side. That is up and running now. I am also looking at buying 12 franchise locations with 30 Minute Hit over the next three to four years which my wife and I will run! My life has completely changed and the intensive coaching has helped me to accomplish all of this. I am continuing with the coaching and would highly recommend the Inner Access coaching to anyone looking to greatly improve their life. They give you great support and help you reach your goals and your dreams. I intend to keep coaching with Inner Access for the rest of my life and I am greatly appreciative for how much they have helped me change my future!

14) Cathy Trinh:
(Executive Recruiter, Career Coach, and Business Owner)

I have spent my entire life looking for a new ways and perspectives. I thought I knew it all, but I didn’t have a guideline to live my busy life until I started working with Inner Access Coaching. The Genie and his team are world class! I have to say that coaching is not easy and almost gave up several times. But at the end of each coaching session, is always another million dollar break through that is worth every penny! When I started Inner Access I was at a crossroads in my life. A lot of things weren’t working for me. I had failing relationships and my health was poor launching me into a major depression. Today, I now have Inner Peace and Toxic relationship free. I’m living in my dream home and working in my dream job have a book that is coming out! The best thing is that relationship with my son is thriving! I’m now on a positive path and can wait to see where my life is 5 years from now. INNER ACCESS AND SUPERWOMAN Thank you for everything!

15) Kathryn Ladoulis (Architect)
I decided to take the Inner Access 30 day challenge. When I started I was between jobs. I had no savings, and I had a previous commute of over four hours a day. I was looking to change my situation and be able to spend more time with my family and be able to make the income I wanted. I didn’t really think it was possible but in 30 days I got a new job with the income I wanted, good benefits, and a location being just fifteen minutes away from home that allows me to be with my family. So if the Genie asks you to take the 30 day challenge, ask yourself what are you willing to accomplish in 30 days.

16) Hailyn Bella:
(Founder of Bella Life Training)

Have you ever wondered if dreams only come true in movies? I used to, until I started working with Inner Access. I was in an awful and abusive relationship, and broken in every sense of the word before Genie. Now I own 100% stock in one of my companies and have seen revenues go up over 60%. I’m in the BEST relationship with myself (no longer abused), BEST shape of my life, BEST financial situation I’ve ever been in, and BEST of ALL I’m living my dream of composing music.
I know I wouldn’t be an empowered woman if it wasn’t for Genie’s guidance. Almost 3 years later, it’s still the BEST investment I’ve ever made and will continue to make.

17) Adrienne Jones:
(Founder of “Handwritten Greetings”)
Coaching with The Genie has taught me to master my state, to live in the present, and to make great choices. Since I became a client of Inner Access, I have achieved numerous successes. To name a few–I have organized a bowl-a-thon that allowed me to pay off $7,000 in film production expenses, I quit smoking, passed the New York State Bar exam, doubled my income, and started a very successful greeting card company. I am committed to coaching with The Genie and expanding my inner access indefinitely.

18) Julie Polito:
(Founder of the Technology, Arts, and Science Studios School)
Kabral Sharpe IS a genie! He works with me pacing and pushing at just the right moments to make my dreams come true. This past year I manifested a long time dream of opening a public school that I designed! This was probably the biggest dream I’ve had to date and one that required an incredible amount of perseverance. His steady and untiring coaching helped it come to life. He reminds me of my divinity and dignity as a human being on the planet and restores confidence in my desire to live fully and truly to my life’s purpose. My time with Kabral is in and of itself, a celebration of love and humanity.

19) Maurio Perry: (Network Marketer)
When I started with my business, things were stagnant. So I decided to get some help with coaching to take my business and my thinking to the next level. Once I did that, I was able to acquire one hundred and fifty new customers that I now get paid on every single month. Prior to this I only had a little bit of customers. So I just want to say thank you to Inner Access and I look forward to much more success in the future.

20) Myrtle Mitton:
(Business Leader in Tupperware)
I have been coaching with the team at Inner Access for the last year. I am so grateful for the coaching system that the Genie has created. The power tools are “truly the answer.” Over the past year I have seen a steady increase in my income every month. I know this is because I have been learning to track and to be specific. I am excited to see my results continue to improve, by embracing the system and the coaching there is no doubt that it will. Thank you to “Doc” for her patience and wisdom. I have been blessed. If you are thinking about joining Inner Access, I give two hearty thumbs up and say you can not go wrong with “The Genie” and the Team at Inner Access.

21) Dr. Diane Chung:
(Winner of Best Naturopath Award by Fab Magazine)
I send patients to INNER ACCESS to experience the caring professionalism, unconditional support and positive insights that Kabral’s unique approach to coaching provides. He uses creative methods that incorporate his deep understanding of energy, spirituality and metaphysics to get his clients highly effective results. And his playful nature makes the journey of attaining goals a fun and enjoyable process. His ability to care deeply, infuse others with his infectious positivity and to know intuitively what is needed to get the best out of his clients is what makes him so valued by so many people. These are also the traits that allow me to entrust him with my own patients’ personal growth. Make the Genie part of your support team in making your wishes come true.

22) Kristoph Matthews:
(Creator of “Unswamped” Time Management System)

“My name is Kristoph. I’ve been working with Inner Access and my coach, Genie, since 2009, and have since then realized three major goals in my life:
  1. I doubled my income. Without any business experience, I started my own business with my coach’s help and grossed $40,000 in revenue in my first year. I’ve since moved on to another venture and am already starting to see success in my second business.
  2. I feel more confident and am a stronger leader at work and in my social groups.
  3. I’m living an amazing romantic life.

I particularly enjoy the unique system of coaching with Inner Access, for three reasons: Firstly, my coach really works with me to diffuse any negative beliefs that may be holding me back from achieving my challenging goals. Secondly, I always feel super-motivated about life because my coach believes in me at times even more than I believe in myself. Lastly, my coach is excellent at helping me strategize. I always feel like I’m heading in the right direction and am making great decisions.

I would say, If you’re looking to create some extraordinary results in your life, feel more confident and on-purpose, and would like someone to help guide you and hold you accountable to that, work with a coach from Inner Access. “


23) Alexis Skeff:

In the five years I’ve been coaching with the Genie, I’ve seen such extraordinary growth in myself. Growth I would like to think was potentially there all along, but it was undeniably enabled by my work with Inner Access. The Genie guided me to identify my dreams and goals, and set the steps necessary to achieve them. Not only have the last five years been spectacular (though not always easy), I don’t know if I could have imagined achieving as much as I have, or creating the life that I live now. I’ve started my own business, I travel the world, I attracted a wonderful relationship, and I have an even more beautiful relationship with my family than from before I started coaching. Most importantly, however, I’m happy and content and confidant in my skin in such a way that every day now is a good day. The beauty of working with the Genie is that even when times are tough, he gives you the tools to work through any situation and overcome any obstacle, each time building your confidence. You come out of any tough life situation so much more accomplished and confidant that its hard to put any further focus into the past. Its tough to say what the best parts of the Inner Access curriculum are, only because all of it is so important, but if I were to name some of my favorites, one would have to be the “Power Tools.” These simple steps change my day, my focus, and my ability to achieve and succeed. Another wonderful tool the Genie gives is in setting goals for the four quadrants in life. By establishing what I want from my health, relationships, finance, and dream project, the genie helps establish the goals, and create the steps which enable their achievement. It is the personal touch that he gives which ties it all in together. He is always there to help, by acting as a sounding board, a mentor, or a friend. No matter what the situation at hand, good or difficult, the Genie is always able to discuss any situation I’m facing, set goals for achieving or overcoming it in the best possible way, and move forward. He is a priceless gift in my life, and I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful coach.

24) Sherlyn Pang Luedtke: (Founder of Present Parent Training) When I first considered coaching, I was very skeptical. I reluctantly signed up for Inner Access, but all I knew was that I wanted to be more than a full-time, stay-at-home mom. I had no idea how much of a difference coaching would make. In the first few sessions, Kabral supported me in committing myself to my dreams which now infuse me daily with joy and vigor. I successfully launched three income-generating businesses that I am hugely passionate about; restored newlywed bliss and excitement in my relationship with my husband; stayed lovingly patient, positive, and healthy during my pregnancy and natural childbirth; and acknowledged my creativity in writing my first e-book. Genie, thanks for being such a positive force in my life. Your support has stretched me in a way that truly honors my purpose and greatness. I appreciate how you believe in me and bring out the best in me, especially when I doubt myself. Thank you for being one of the greatest sources of support I have ever had in my life. YOU are amazing! Thank you, Inner Access, for empowering me to take a stand for my magnificent, juicy, balanced life.

25) Renona Riddle Brown: (Senior Executive Marketing Director of Financial Destination, Inc.) Kabral has been a great inspiration for me. I retired from the Army after 24 years of service and was working another 9-5 job. When I started with Kabral, I was new in the Network Marketing Industry and I initially wanted coaching to help me develop my mindset and beliefs on becoming a successful entrepreneur. Shortly after being in business, I realized the importance of having a coach in your corner to help guide and push you. Our work together has opened my mind, unlocked my potential, created momentum in my business, and helped me to create balance in my life. My business has increased by 50% and is steadily increasing. I value coaching and I highly recommend it. Successful people leave clues and they all have coaches in their lives. He is the best, and I can’t thank him enough.

26) Darlene E.: A good friend of mine recommended that I hook up with Inner Access and work with Kabral to achieve a goal I had been trying to reach for over twenty years. I had realized beforehand that I had many issues to resolve before achieving my goal. However, I could not figure out how to accomplish this. I took my friend’s advice and called Kabral. I will state that he is called the Genie for good reason. I worked with Kabral for three months and, within less than one year after my last session, I achieved my goal: I am officially a driver. I received my driver’s license after taking my first road test. Then, two months later, I bought my first car. The name of my car is Freebird. And that sums it up: the world is wide open for me now to explore. I can never THANK Kabral enough for all his help.

27) Allegra Pena: (Professional Dancer/Entrepreneur) Many things have happened since I started coaching with my Genie. I produced and starred in an instructional dance video which I wanted to do for six years and never thought I had the money to make happen. I reached my goal weight, which was a big deal! I sold my house and took care of my problem with his help and guidance. I came by money unexpectedly by using my power tools. He has helped me to live with integrity and, if I ever needed a sounding board to help with my problems or concerns, he always gave great advice with loving kindness. I would highly recommend Kabral to anyone who would like to make their dreams come true!!! Thank you, Kabral.

28) Jeanine Botsko: (Gourmet Chef) When I started working with Kabral, I was living paycheck to paycheck with $25,000 worth of debt. I was driving a really desperate car that I had bought for $600. I was just moving out of a four-year rental where I lived with four other single adults in my same position. Needless to say, I was ready for a change. I was ready for something to go right in my life. Lucky for me, I have a wonderful Aunt Julie who introduced me to The Genie. Kabral introduced me to a whole new way of thinking and, even though it wasn’t always easy, I did it. Kabral opened my eyes to techniques, methods, and paths to success. I am writing this today because I am now living proof that this works. I am thrilled to say to you, completely honestly, that I now live in a huge, beautiful house. I am in an incredibly wonderful, loving relationship with a wonderful man. I am almost completely out of debt and I now drive a fantastic car and I earn almost four times the annual income I did when I started with Kabral a year and a half ago. I am truly happy, healthy, in love, and inspired every day for even more prosperity. So thank you Kabral, for your patience. Thank you Kabral, for your understanding. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to my dreams, even when mine was wavering. Thank you for all the many gifts of knowledge you brought to my life. But mostly thank you for bringing me to my most wonderful life and my most wonderful me. I could not have done this without you.

29) William Bass: (Lawyer) I have been the beneficiary of the Genie’s coaching since the spring 2001— a little over five years. Since this time I have taken several leaps, particularly in the areas of my dream project, career, finances and spirituality. I have launched a Center that focuses on my dream project at my institution, accomplished unprecedented career success that I would not have imagined before coaching, tripled my income and learned to manage it, and gain much greater access to the ultimate power that drives my mission. This extraordinary growth has come directly from coaching as well as a number of ancillary programs that I have undertaken at the urging and with the support of the Genie. His intelligent ideas, sensitivity and dedication to my purpose has enabled me to discover what Wayne Dyer in his new book, Inspiration, calls a Greater Person by Far Than I Ever Dreamed myself to be. To the Genie I am immensely grateful. Thanks, Coach.

30) Reverend Claire North: (Founder of Corner Stone Counseling, Life Coaching, and Ceremonies) In my two + years of coaching I have come out on the other side of a chronic, life-threatening illness to being a homeowner once again, and being a semester away from my MFA in Creative Writing. These are the two most immediate leaps my life has taken, and there have been many more along the path, especially while working with the Health Quadrant. As my health improved, I was able to take more action to have the balanced, abundant life I wanted. Kabral has been a staunch ally during this time. His creativity in coaching, the resources provided, and his humor and compassion have facilitated my moving from strength to strength. My journey is far from over, and I continue to grow my experience of the Four Quadrants through the encouragement and creative support of my coach and all that INNER ACCESS offers.

31) Nichole Payseur: (The Yoga Diva) Working with Kabral is the best gift I could have given myself because I am becoming the best person I can be. I needed to get things done but constantly found obstacles in my path. Working with Kabral has increased my confidence in my ability to succeed and to treat the process organically. He stresses the fun of achieving. Before I felt like a square peg in a round circle, I now gained the tools I needed to find a slot tailored to my needs. Even more, Kabral taught me how to take out a saw and slice out a place of my own. Becoming is no easy thing. Truly, I did things before Kabral but now I am on fire. I completed my yoga certification, I have over 30 paintings for a one woman show, I am creating a business plan for passive income and I am learning tools to keep expanding. Kabral is best described as an angel/genie who helps me become a better version of myself. I used to be afraid that I would die with my music still in me. Now, I know that I make music all the time. And I think of Kabral as my conductor.

32) Aquaila: (Playwright and Poet) Some things are priceless…as is the coaching support I have received from INNER ACCESS over the past year and a half. Like many of my friends and peers, over the years I have read a bunch of how-to books on success and reaching goals. Yet, progress towards my own dream projects has been slow and at times even halting. In the year and a half that I have received coaching from Kabral, my life has gone from okay to AMAZING! I have accomplished things in my relationships that I’ve feared I would never accomplish. I have surpassed financial goals at a rate that even surprised me. If I could measure my increased confidence, the improved rate and ability at which I now manifest what I desire and the 100% knowing that I can do anything I choose, it would be off the Richter scale! Indeed, some things are truly priceless including living a life that is fully realized and having your own genie in a bottle. Thanks to the support and tools I have received from INNER ACCESS, I am realizing my life, step-by-step at an exponential rate. Everyone should have the Genie on their team!

33) Jude Smith: (Seminar Conductor and Photographer) It is with a great deal of pleasure and gratitude that I give credit to Kabral for the enormous growth I have experienced during the 8 months that I have been working with him. The greatest gift Kabral has given me is introducing me to various power tools that have become part of my everyday life. I attribute my enormous personal, professional, and financial growth to receiving support from Kabral, and then applying that support with diligence between my sessions with him. I have enjoyed increased success in all areas of my life in the areas of finances, health, and relationships. But the greatest success I have enjoyed since working with Kabral has been in the area of following my dreams. 8 months ago, I told Kabral I wanted to make a difference in the lives of millions of people, I wanted to travel, I wanted to take photographs, and I wanted to be able to give away large sums of money. I had no idea how I was going to accomplish those goals, other than they were passions that kept burning within me. A mere 8 months later, those desires have become a reality. Because of Kabral’s positive and enthusiastic support, based on universal life principals, I have been able to leave my teaching position of 15 years, to become partners with an international business leader in a joint dream of touching the lives of millions of people in the areas personal and business growth. I have achieved many successes on my own. But I knew that to achieve success of outrageous proportions, I needed the support of another as committed to my successes as I was. Kabral was the gift I needed to give myself to allow me to reach my full potential. I feel my work with Kabral is so crucial to my success, that if needed, I would skimp in other areas of my life in order to continue my work with him. I consider Kabral to be a necessity.

34) Maria Pagan a/k/a The Miracle Worker: (Spa Manager and Entrepreneur) Kabral. Wow! Where should I begin! You have been sent from up above. If I were to compare my life from the day I started coaching to now, it is unbelievable and there are no words in the world which could describe the impact Kabral has had in this journey called life. I have over come many obstacles and challenges that would have been impossible without his support and outstanding caring spirit. My confidence has sky raised to the top. I can honestly say I respect and love myself much more because he has taught me the value of self appreciation and self worth. I have found my true calling on earth and I am able to create my goals and dreams into reality with his help. I am now debt free, thanks to his financial teachings and for once in my life I have control of me. I can now go on shopping sprees with no worries or concerns about prices. That’s a great thing! Not only is Kabral the greatest coach, but a true role model to others. Thank you for always lifting me up in times of weakness. For showing me the light in times of darkness and the most unique aspect of his coaching has been listening to me with great importance but also listening with his heart. It has been a pleasure working with you!

35) Shonda Scott: (Television Producer, California) Coaching has become a way of life for me. It is actually refreshing to have someone to walk you through the steps that help you obtain your goals. I have been able to accomplish some amazing things with my coach by my side. The experience is so exciting that I find myself quoting my coach to my friends and colleagues. With each quote they become intrigued and want to know more about my coach and the process. One friend asked if the long distant conference calls were awkward and I simply responded not at all…in fact other than land and air there is no distance between my coach and I. My coach has helped me understand that there is no excuse for not taking time to have fun and take care of me. Often times with our hectic schedules, family and children, we consume all of our time doing things to make money, take care of others and forget the most important step…inner peace and self-love. Coaching has helped bring balance to my life and is my gold nugget!

36) Janet: (Financial Trader) The inner Access Coaching method is unlike any other. INNER ACCESS does not only focus on you accomplishing your goals but helps you see that you are part of something much bigger than y yourself. Coaching with INNER ACCESS will assist you in becoming who you are truly to be in this life. If you desire to go where no man has gone before than INNER ACCESS coaching is for you. It has taken my life to a much higher level and the glass is completely full.

37) T. Green: INNER ACCESS has been a blessing for me! I appreciate the professionalism, generosity and knowledge of the INNER ACCESS Staff. Through my coaching sessions, I’ve been able to develop skills to assist me in pursuing my life’s dream of starting my own business and improve my overall health and well being. The support and tools I have been given will serve as guiding principles I will use for the rest of my life. Coaching has truly helped make my life more centered and rewarding.

38) Danny Loo: (Founder of Reading books and attending seminars is one thing, but having a personal coach really takes you to the next level – and the next and the next… Kabral is pure of heart and comes from all the right places in your sessions. Now I feel like I am on the right path after having wondered what that was for so long. As long as you have an open mind, he can show you how to open your life to all that is available to you in this world. Working with Kabral has brought to fruition my cycling Video project that probably would have just fallen by the wayside like so many other past ideas. What started as a simple suggestion has blossomed into something that just keeps growing and has even affected other peoples’ lives.

39) Ann Loo: (Dancer) “Where do I begin? Inner Access has improved my life significantly. Kabral instills hope, inspiration, and confidence. The relationship between my husband and I is stronger. I’ve fallen in love with him all over again. In the last year, I’ve done things I never thought I’d do. I took swimming lessons, started acting again, and came a little closer to my passion, where I performed at a benefit concert. I also started a small business in bookkeeping. None of this would have been possible without Inner Access. In life, we need that “push” to get started. And that is where Kabral comes through for you. He makes you “keep your word” to yourself. And as Kabral says, “this is just the beginning.” I can’t wait for the next greatest thing to come my way.”

40) Donna Dimino: (Body Awareness Programs) My experience with Inner Access coaching has been joyful, empowering, and highly successful. The Genie’s humerous, powerful, compassionate approach has assisted me in many vital areas of my life. I find his coaching to be consistently on target, whether it be finding ways to create more time, money, or energy; handling day-to-day issues; or shedding light on some blind spots I may have in my relationships or with my business. Through Kabral’s marketing expertise, suggestions, and resources, I have not only been successful in contributing to many more people with my business, but I have also doubled my income in less than a year! Thank you, Inner Access!

41) Claudine Pouliot: (Top Mary Kay Director) About one year ago, I met Kabral and made the decision to use his service as a coach in my life. At that time, I was a new Director in Mary Kay. His coaching gave me so many tools to develop and strengthen my inner life, that after only a few months I began to see the results in my own business. My team members almost doubled as did my income. He was there for me, working closely with me toward my goals. He has a great sense of humor and makes me feel important every time. I thank you, Kabral, for your help and support.

42) Joseph Smith: (Performing Artist) Since my first coaching session with The Genie on January 3, 2007, I can say that I’m not the man I was; I’m the man I knew I could always be. Kabral’s holistic coaching, guidance, and support has empowered me to grow stronger and stronger in health, finance, relationship, and my dream project. Before I met my Genie/Coach, the only “power tools” I knew were found in a hardware store. Kabral gives me the tools I need to gain “access” to my “inner” talents, strengths and gifts. In November 2009, I was awarded my first grant for my dream project. The exciting part is that this is only the beginning. What I have learned the most from working with my Genie/Coach is to love myself throughout the entire process. Kabral has shown me that this is great work, to have fun, remember to play, and trust in myself and the universe along the way. Oh, yes, one more thing I’ve learned from Coach — gratitude.

43) Ramon C. Rios, Jr., a/k/a DJ Che’ Don’t Play (Founder of For the Love of Music Productions) Coach Sharpe has helped me make great strides that would have been difficult to make on my own. He provides a coaching format that targets every aspect of a person that needs to be addressed. Whether it’s finances, health, relationships, or career aspirations, Coach Sharpe is knowledgeable and teaches the tools necessary to make anyone a success. I have become a much more confident person as a result of his coaching. My life is in order and I finally have a plan. Move over Allen Iverson, there’s a new Answer…Coach Sharpe!

44) Isabelle Moreau: Since the beginning of my coaching with Kabral I have been blessed in many unpredictable and magical ways. Unexpected amounts of money have been offered and given to me without me even asking. I have attracted new friends and new mentors. It just seems as though the right people are showing up exactly at the right time! Kabral is supportive, fun, empowering, confident, insightful, loving and knowledgeable. I attribute the work we do together for the many breakthroughs I have had in the last few months. I would recommend Kabral to anyone who wants to play their best game as well as anyone of wants to have fun doing it! Thank you!

45) Mariana Peralta: (Studying to be a Doctor) Kabral is the greatest coach ever. Coaching has been a great changing experience for me. I met him about 5 years ago. One day I found myself in one of his seminars and ever since then I have been coaching with him. I must say, I look back at how I was at that time and I can see a significant change in the way that I think, behave and act. My pattern is totally different for the better. I can remember how uncomfortable I felt about trying out some of the tools that he would expose me to. KB has helped me develop my own higher being with in myself. He has guided me and has been a complete support system for mostly everything in my life, from dealing with relationships, school, family and many important things. He’s given me hope in myself. I feel like a new born child. There’s so much to live for. Recently I was diagnosed with cancer on my thyroids. This is something that took me by surprise. I am only 25 years old. I never thought I would ever have to go through with anything like this. I know that if I wasn’t exposed to what I know now, I would not be reacting the way that I am now. I have total faith and believe that the universe will work with me. I have learned to look at challenges as lights of wisdom, something I had much trouble doing before. I now live life to its fullest. An example of this for me would be completing a long goal I had; skydiving. On June 23, 2006, I went on my first skydive. Wow, what a rush. I was so scared of doing this and couldn’t believe I was going through with it. But I did. KB had a lot to do with it. His firm belief and support throughout all my self doubts encouraged me to move forward and to also believe in myself. I did it! I went skydiving! This is only a stepping stone for what is to come into my life. I am now totally prepared for all the beauty of life.

46) Omar Sharpe: (Integrated PR Consultant) “I’ve been coaching since June 29, 2004. I can truly say that was the day my life changed. Within the year of coaching, I graduated college and landed my dream job, being a PR Consultant for an entertainment company. Through me working with coach, I have found focus and directions in my life. I’ve gone from a college street corner hustler to having a corner office. I’ve become a better father, boyfriend, and son. My spiritual life has strengthened, creating a more positive outlook on what life should be. I tell everyone that will listen about the change coaching has made in my life. I went from a failing college student with no direction on where my life was going, to a successful Public Relations Consultant in just three years time. And this year, I’ll be restarting my company, SonShyne Entertainment Group, LLC, venturing into sports non-profit PR for professional athletes. Thanks!”

47) Vinessa Antoine: (Actress) I think everyone would like to complete goals in their lives. It’s just that most of the time we never do what we say we are going to do. Coaching, for me, was one of the best things that I could have done for myself . Within the first couple of weeks, I started completing goals that I never would have completed otherwise. Kabral gave me the kick start that I so needed. As an artist, he was so supportive and he opened my mind to new and great ideas. I recommend coaching for anyone who wants to stop talking about the things they want and start doing it!

48) Annette Perel: (Actress) Kabral makes me feel spiritually motivated. His words of wisdom are everything you need to get you up and centered.

49) Jewel Joseph: (Program Director) The coaching service that I receive from INNER ACCESS has been instrumental to my success, positive mind set and, most importantly, perserverance. Having a demanding job, being a single-parent, full-time graduate student and building an empire is a lot of work…! Nonetheless, Kabral has a keen way of assessing the “big picture” of my life and respects realistically plan my week, honoring all the areas of my life, all the while agressively putting systems in place so that my dream becomes a reality. In a nutshell, coaching has helped me to keep my dream quest off of the back burner.

50) Kwazeon Leverette: (Wide Receiver, Syracuse Univ.) Kabral is the Man! His support through his coaching has helped me immeasurably. He has helped me to take charge of the character and personality that identifies me as a distinctive human agent. I have learned that I am far more powerful, than I have ever thought possible. Good looking out K.B.

51) Roman Martinez: (Jazz vocalist) Kabral’s coaching has motivated me to view life with an added enthusiasm of joy. His wisdom and personal choices of words have certainly had a positive impact on my life. He has helped me to get out of credit card debt and to focus on stronger financial goals. I thank him dearly. A brilliant young motivator indeed.

52) Sharon Rainey: (Singer, Songwriter, Musician, and Performer) “I attended Kabral’s Dreambuilder seminar and I immediately wanted more! I knew that Kabral had the tools to help me change my life. Kabral has helped me realize a greater self worth as a singer, songwriter, musician, and performer.”

53) Kyle Thomas: (Music producer, President and CEO of 327 Music Group) ” INNER ACCESS is Amazing!!! Most people in life put a lot more time and energy into there nine to five jobs then they do into their own personal goals. INNER ACCESS gives you the structure and support to follow your dreams.”

54) Holly Kinnaird: (Author) I think of Kabral as unflinchingly positive, a fortress of positive energy. He gives me encouragement, he listens to my circumstances, he sees my personality traits but never once tried to judge or assess them, instead he insisted that I could own my creativity and success simply because I am human and I desire it.

55) Les Brown: (Award Winning Speaker/Author of “Live Your Dreams”) Kabral is a motivator.