The Genie’s Top 100 Inspirational Audio List
1. The Ultimate Relationship Program: Anthony Robbins
2. The Power: Rhonda Byrne
3. The Aladdin Factor: Jack Canfield
4. The Secret: Rhonda Byrne
5. The Success Principles: Jack Canfield
6. The Power of Intention: Wayne Dyer
7. The Time of Your Life: Anthony Robbins
8. Personal Power 2: Anthony Robbins
9. Get the Edge: Anthony Robbins
10. Living Health: Anthony Robbins
11. Mastering Influence: Anthony Robbins
12. As a Man Thinketh: James Allen
13. The Secret Science of Getting Rich: Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Rev. Michael Beckwith
14. Customers for Life: Brian Tracy
15. How to Master Your Time: Brian Tracy
16. Magical Marketing: Brian Tracy
17. Million Dollar Habits: Brian Tracy
18. Power Networking: Brian Tracy
19. The Psychology of Achievement: Brian Tracy
20. Success Mastery Academy: Brian Tracy
21. Eat that Frog: Brian Tracy
22. Ultimate Goals Program: Brian Tracy
23. 21 Ways to Live to be 100: Brian Tracy
24. 21 Ways to Stay in Love Forever: Brian Tracy
25. How to Write a Book: Brian Tracy
26. 21 Absolute Laws of Money: Brian Tracy
27. 21 Great Ways to Get the Job You Really Want: Brian Tracy
28. 21 Great Ways to Double Your Productivity: Brian Tracy
29. 21 Great Ways to Hire and Keep the Best People: Brian Tracy
30. 21 Great Ways to Become a Superstar Sales Person: Brian Tracy
31. 21 Great Ways to Build Your Own Successful Business: Brian Tracy
32. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Catherine Ponder
33. A to Z Steps for a Richer Life: Deepak Chopra
34. 12 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires: DenisWaitley
35. The Power of Visualization: Dr. Lee Pulos
36. The Richest Man in Babylon: Read by: Denis Waitley
37. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Wayne Dyer
38. Inspiration: Wayne Dyer
39. Manifest Your Destiny: Wayne Dyer
40. There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem: Wayne Dyer
41. 10 Secrets of Success and Inner Peace: Wayne Dyer
42. The Millionaire Messenger: Brendon Burchard
43. Wisdom of the Ages: Wayne Dyer
44. 101 Ways to Transform Your Life: Wayne Dyer
45. Making the Shift: Wayne Dyer
46. It’s Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile: Wayne Dyer
47. Excuses Begone: Wayne Dyer
48. Everyday Wisdom: Wayne Dyer
49. The Vortex: Esther and Jerry Hicks
50. Money and the Law of Attraction: Esther and Jerry Hicks
51. The Law of Attraction: Esther and Jerry Hicks
52. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: T. Harv Eker
53. Be Filled with Enthusiasm and Sing God’s Glory. Swami Chidvilasananda
54. Maximum Confidence: Jack Canfield
55. The Attractor Factor: Joe Vitale
56. Secrets of a Marketing Master: Jay Abraham
57. Guerrilla Marketing Bootlegged: Jay Conrad Levinson
58. Your Best life: Joel Osteen
59. How to Think Bigger: Mark Victor Hansen
60. Sell Yourself Rich: Mark Victor Hansen
61. The One Minute Millionaire: Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen
62. Hypnotherapy for the Millionaire Mind: Peak Potentials
63. Hypnotherapy for Inner Power: Peak Potentials
64. Hypnotherapy for Passive Income: Peak Potentials
65. Hypnotherapy for Losing Weight: Peak Potentials
66. Choose to be Rich: Robert Kiyosaki
67. Drive Time University: World Ventures
68. Selling by Attraction: Hilton Johnson
69. Rich Dad Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki
70. Live Your Dreams: Les Brown
71. It’s Not Over Until I Win: Les Brown
72. Women and Money: Suze Orman
73. The Millionaire Next Door: Thomas J. Stanley
74. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: John Gray
75. Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: John Gray
76. Mars and Venus Collide: John Gray
77. Mars and Venus, What You Feel You Can Heal: John Gray
78. The Five Love Languages: Gary Chapman
79. The Science of Personal Achievement: Napoleon Hill
80. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Steven Covey
81. Multiple Streams of Income: Robert Allen
82. Mega Book Marketing University 2007
83. The Millionaire Mind Intensive: Peak Potentials /T. Harv Eker
84. Awaken the Giant Within: Anthony Robbins
85. The Expression of Your Power: Loral Langemeier
86. Enlightened Wealth Training: (Personal Development.) T. Harv Eker
87. Enlightened Wealth Training: (Money and Business) T. Harv Eker
88. Cracking the Millionaire Code: Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen
89. Real Magic: Wayne Dyer
90. Wealth and Wisdom: Peak Potentials, Volume one
91. Secrets to Start up Success: Christine Comaford-Lynch
92. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff about Money: Richard Carlson
93. The Four Agreements: Don Miquel Ruiz
94. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love: Richard Carlson
95. A Golden Mind a Golden Life: Swami Chidvilasananda
96. Trust: Swami Chidvilasananda
97. Intention and Blessing: Swami Chidvilasananda
98. Wake Up to Your Inner Courage and Become Steeped in Divine Contentment: Swami Chidvilasananda
99. 7 Secrets to Seven Figures: Matt Morris
100. You Can Heal your life: Louise Hay