INNER ACCESS with Kabral Sharpe, seminar leader and self-empowerment coach


Vinessa Antoine: (Actress)
I think everyone would like to complete goals in their lives. It's just that most of the time we never do what we say we are going to do. Coaching, for me, was one of the best things that I could have done for myself . Within the first couple of weeks, I started completing goals that I never would have completed otherwise. Kabral gave me the kick start that I so needed. As an artist, he was so supportive and he opened my mind to new and great ideas. I recommend coaching for anyone who wants to stop talking about the things they want and start doing it!

Annette Perel:
(Actress) Kabral makes me feel spiritually motivated. His words of wisdom are everything you need to get you up and centered.

Jewel Joseph:
(Program Director) The coaching service that I receive from INNER ACCESS has been instrumental to my success, positive mind set and, most importantly, perserverance. Having a demanding job, being a single-parent, full-time graduate student and building an empire is a lot of work...! Nonetheless, Kabral has a keen way of assessing the "big picture" of my life and respects realistically plan my week, honoring all the areas of my life, all the while agressively putting systems in place so that my dream becomes a reality. In a nutshell, coaching has helped me to keep my dream quest off of the back burner.

Kwazeon Leverette:
(Wide Receiver, Syracuse Univ.) Kabral is the Man! His support through his coaching has helped me immeasurably. He has helped me to take charge of the character and personality that identifies me as a distinctive human agent. I have learned that I am far more powerful, than I have ever thought possible. Good looking out K.B.

Roman Martinez:
(Jazz vocalist) Kabral's coaching has motivated me to view life with an added enthusiasm of joy. His wisdom and personal choices of words have certainly had a positive impact on my life. He has helped me to get out of credit card debt and to focus on stronger finacial goals. I thank him dearly. A brilliant young motivator indeed.

Self Empowerment Coaching

Self-Empowerment Coaching provides a structure that supports you in maximizing your potential and fulfilling on the promise that you have made to yourself to live a life that you truly love. The coach serves as a committed listener and support system who consistently works with you to reach your desired goals.

In weekly phone sessions with the coach, you review the progress made on your project and together design strategies to overcome challenges. INNER ACCESS has a specific curriculum of books and CD's, etc... that are referred to clients, which dramatically increase productivity, and the ability to create miracles. The coaching package includes a weekly Word of the Day bonus, power check ins with your coach, role playing, guided visualizations, as well as an opportunity to be awarded special prizes in recognition for outstanding achievment by being named an"INNER ACCESS Genie of the Month."

To schedule coaching sessions please call Kabral Sharpe at (718) 897-2949 or send an email to

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