INNER ACCESS with Kabral Sharpe, seminar leader and self-empowerment coach

Coaching Prices

To pay by credit card using your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express, please select the appropriate service and a new browser window will open to provide access to PayPal. Note that PayPal no longer requires registration or signup to use their services to make payments.

Self Empowerment Coaching Package

One Month
Three Months

Accelerated Coaching Package

One Month
Three Months

Diamond Level Coaching Package

One Month
Six Months

Payment can be made by checks made payable to INNER ACCESS and mailed, along with the form below, to:

P.O. Box 750057
Forest Hills, N. Y. 11375

ZIP Code:
I would like to register for : (Please check ONLY one)

Self Empowerment Coaching Package
Accelerated Coaching Package
Diamond Level Coaching Package

(Please note:
Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. A returned check charge of $20.00 will be added to the amount due in the event that checks payable are returned for any reason by the bank.) Prices subject to periodic change.